beverly hills, who wouldn't want to hang out here when the sun in shining so bright? we're pretty lucky to live so close.
i've been smiling more often lately; i even caught myself laughing hysterically the other day. it's strange how it hits me; i think it's going to be a very long process, but i'm constantly hearing people tell me how strong this is going to make me; i believe every single word they say.
happy cheerful and bright! this made my day.
I lost my brother in July and there are days that it hits me like a ton of bricks and then days when I feel like I am closer to healing. It is such a roller coaster ride and I am just trying to be mindful of the process - a hard feat! My brother's birthday was on Tuesday and with logic and reason I was telling myself it is just like any other day but it was not. That was one of the days where everything hit me like a ton of bricks.
I am thinking of you and recent loss and happy to hear that you are finding some rays of light!
Hey Kim, this is Melody (from CrossView on Sunday). Just wanted to drop in, say hello, and tell you that your blog is absolutely stunning and gorgeous! Andre did an amazing job on the web design for your portfolio as well, you two are such a talented pair! Tell him to start a blog too! :) I am also so sorry to read your heartbreaking news about your friend Jenn. I will be praying for you, I can't imagine how hard that must be. Otherwise, I hope you and Andre are doing well, and that I get a chance to bump into you guys again!
I agree with Kylie! made my day. :) I'm glad you're laughing.
yes! so happy to see you happy, my friend!
(i wrote way more initially and then deleted it all. i don't want to come across as all "i know exactly what you're going through" because i don't. and i hated when people always said that to me when my dad was sick! so just know that i'm thinking of you lots, my dear friend!!!!!!)
So pretty!! New follower :) x
Looks like a beautiful day, what I'd give to live somewhere this sunny :) xx
these are beautiful :D and i won't say either that i know what you're going through. because i truly can't even imagine it. but your story, among others, shows all of us how fragile life is. and that every moment, every word, every second of our lives, they all count somehow. it's just such a shame that it takes a deep loss for us to see that.
i'll be keeping you in my thoughts :)
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